Weight training without equipment, using bodyweight alone, has been all the rage in recent years.Whether you do Callisthenics, Street workout, the Lafay method or bodyweight Circuit training, you can gain muscle and/or lose weight.
Bodybuilding and nutrition blog - programmes
Pumps and variants
It's the very first bodybuilding exercise you learn to do, and everyone has tried it at least once in their lives. Yes, you've guessed it, they're the good old floor push-ups, and they're sure to bring back a lot of memories..
Erythropoietin doping, also known as EPO
Have you ever heard of erythropoietin (EPO)? It's a hormone that helps your body produce more red blood cells, the cells that carry oxygen to your organs and tissues.
Weight gain program: training and nutrition
Building muscle isn't easy, it can be time-consuming and difficult. In some cases, diet may be to blame for the lack of results, preventing you from building muscle properly. And that's where the "mass gain" period can work wonders.
How anabolic steroids work
What are the advantages and disadvantages of using steroids and anabolics? Who are they useful for? Their use has become increasingly widespread in recent years, and it's time to take stock of the situation and explain how they work.
Everything you need to know about muscle hypertrophy
Hypertrophy is the process by which you build muscle. For bodybuilders, it's the ultimate goal.
Program for women just starting out
Weight training is becoming increasingly popular with women. In recent years, women-only training programs have proliferated on Youtube and Tik-Tok
Presentation of Laurent COOs' latest book
The new book by sports writer Laurent COOS, a specialist in sports nutrition and doping in bodybuilding sports.
the use of peptides in bodybuilding: Cures, effects and risks
More and more athletes, bodybuilders and sportspeople of all kinds are interested in using peptides to gain muscle, lose fat and improve performance.
Sarms in bodybuilding
SARMs (Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators) are little known to the general public. And yet, they are considered to be the future replacements for the anabolic steroids used by athletes.
Myostatin inhibitors
Myostatin is a muscle repressor. In other words, reducing or inhibiting myostatin production promotes muscle growth. Are mysostatin inhibitors the future of doping?
Can you gain muscle with poor nutrition?
Regular weight training is the basis for building a great physique, but good nutrition also plays an important role. In fact, good nutrition can have a direct impact on your ability to build muscle.
Anabolic VS catabolic: what's the difference?
Anabolism and catabolism are two concepts that it's worth knowing about when it comes to bodybuilding and sports nutrition. In practice, we aim to promote anabolism, which enables us to gain muscle mass.
Insulin and bodybuilding
When we hear the word insulin, we immediately think of diabetes or hypoglycemia. It's a hormone with a bad reputation, especially when associated with bodybuilding.
High-protein diet
In a world where it's possible to get conflicting opinions on almost any piece of dietary advice, one food group reigns supreme in its ability to unite all the experts behind it: protein.
The Dukan diet and bodybuilding
What about the famous Dukan diet? This is one of the diets often prescribed and used by beginner bodybuilders who want to lose fat fast.
The low carb diet
The Low Carb method is a diet in which virtually all sugars are eliminated from the diet. Used by people who want to lose weight quickly, this carb-free diet is all the rage across the Atlantic and is also proving successful in France.
Bodybuilding after 40
I'm regularly asked if it's too late to build muscle and get fit at 40, and most of you are generally surprised by my answer. Yes, it can be done. And no, it's not too late.
Sheathing to strengthen the abdominal muscles
Muscle gainage is a basic exercise found in almost every training program. Whether you're a high-level athlete or a sedentary person, the fitness and health benefits of this exercise are exceptional.
Carbohydrates for bodybuilding
Whether you're building muscle or shedding fat, carbohydrate and sugar consumption are essential at every level of bodybuilding. It's this macro-nutrient that provides energy to the muscles during your intensive training sessions.
Overtraining and weight training
You're doing more and more bodybuilding sessions, but you're not making any progress at all. Worse still, you're feeling tired all the time and your performance is slipping? You may be suffering the consequences of overtraining.
Muscle cramps: six tips to prevent them.
Muscle cramps can cause a great deal of pain and discomfort, which is never pleasant, and heavy exercise can increase the risk of developing muscle cramps.
Growth hormone and its effects
While hormones remain difficult to understand, growth hormone has been the subject of numerous studies by scientists and sports specialists.
All you need to know about BCAAs (branched-chain amino acids)
Did you know that branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) are particularly important for athletes and bodybuilders? Why? Because they provide optimal energy levels, enhance sports performance by helping to build protein and muscle tissue, reduce fatigue, and much more. What's more, BCAAs have found application in the treatment of serious diseases such as muscular dystrophy, cancer and cirrhosis.
The best proteins for building muscle
If you browse the fitness and bodybuilding press, you'll have come across numerous advertisements extolling the virtues of protein supplements. It seems that protein and sport go hand in hand.
Creatine: Myths and realities
Muscle-building creatine is both the most scientifically proven substance of all, and one of the most popular bodybuilding supplements on the market.
Carnitine, an effective bodybuilding product?
L-carnitine is one of the amino acids of interest in sports nutrition. According to certain scientific studies, it improves fat burning.
Making up for a weakness in bodybuilding
Not all muscles are created equal. It's not uncommon for strengths and weaknesses to emerge after a certain amount of practice. Let's take a look at a few techniques for overcoming them.
3 mistakes to avoid for better pectoral development
Developing pectoral muscles seems easy enough, yet many exercisers find it extremely difficult to achieve their goals. Here are the basic mistakes to avoid
Profile of oxymetholone (ANADROL)
Today we're profiling oxymetholone, also known by its trade name Anadrol or Anapolon. This ASA-type oral steroid is the one with the highest androgenic action. It is, however, one of the most harmful.