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Weight training program for beginners

Weight training program for beginners


This article is intended for newcomers to the world of cast iron. As with all practices, once you've discovered the equipment and techniques, it's time to draw up a training plan in line with your objectives.

We'll draw up three programs based on three sessions per week and three different levels of practice: beginner, intermediate and advanced.

Each session, whatever the level, will begin with a warm-up on a static bike to prepare the body for the effort and raise body temperature.

Type of program

There are two possibilities for this training frequency: full body or half body.

We'll start with a full body with 1 day's rest between each session, then two days' rest at the weekend, which can be used for another activity.

The sessions will be based on identical schemes, but with a variety of exercises.

musculation pour débutant

Example of a beginner's full body

Day 1

Bench press: 2 warm-up sets *15 reps then 3*10-12 reps

Flat lunges: 3*12reps

Dumbbell shoulder press: 3*12 reps

Lateral raises: 3*12 reps

High pulley neck pull: 3*10-12 reps

Rowing low pulley: 3*10-12 reps

Superset biceps-triceps:

Curl bar ez/ extension high pulley (pronated grip): 3*12 reps

Leg extension: 2 warm-up sets 15 reps

3*12 reps

Incline press: 4*15 reps

Day 2

Incline press: 2 warm-up sets *15 reps then 3*10-12 reps

Dips: 3*10 reps

Dumbbell shoulder press: 3*12 reps

Chin-up: 3*12 reps

High pulley front tuck: 3*10-12 reps

One-arm bench row: 3*10-12 reps

Superset biceps-triceps:

Hammer curl / high pulley extension (rope): 3*12 reps

single-leg squat 2 warm-up sets 15 reps

3*12 reps

Press: 4*15 reps

Day 3

Weight bench press: 2 warm-up sets *15 reps then 3*10-12 reps

splits: 3*10 reps

Military barbell bench press: 3*12 reps

lateral raises: 3*12 reps

Supine pull in front of high pulley: 3*10-12 reps

Rowing low pulley: 3*10-12 reps

Superset biceps-triceps:

Curl larry scott / extended triceps: 3*12 reps

squat front bar 2 warm-up sets 15 reps

3*12 reps

leg extension: 4*15 reps

Day 2 and Day 3 will be built on the same pattern, but the exercises will be changed so that the sessions are not boring.

As you cansee , the bench press can be replaced by the incline press, and the flat splits can be replaced by the incline splits.

End your sessions with 4 sets of 20 reps of crunches for the abs, and Roman chairs for the lower back. These muscles are very important for effective muscle gain.

Afterwards, it's advisable to stretch each muscle group worked, to minimize muscle soreness and promote recovery.

Each session will be spaced out with a rest day, and the weekend can be a time to recuperate and do some cardio in the form of jogging or bike rides.

In the next article, I'll suggest a workout for an intermediate level.

Author Alexandre CARPENTIER

Bodybuilding Champion N.A.C 2012

Alexandre shares his experience of bodybuilding with MegaGear blog readers

Posted in: Strength programmes