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5 bodybuilding training tips

5 bodybuilding training tips


conseils d'entraînement en musculation

1- Challenge yourself at every workout

When your goal is to gain strength, the routine should never be easy. In fact, that 30-minute to 1-hour period you spend lifting weights, doing pull-ups etc. should be very uncomfortable. If it's not, you're not stressing your muscles enough and they're not likely to get stronger.

Some bodybuilding experts advise doing sets to failure. This means giving it your all on one set, to the point where it's impossible to lift the bar again. Failure sets allow you to destroy as many muscle fibres as possible, so that the muscle compensates effectively for the next set.

If you're a beginner, consider working with a trainer or partner before pushing too hard. It's important to learn the right techniques for each type of exercise, otherwise an injury could prevent you from continuing and delay your progress.

Poids entraînement de musculation

2- Systematically add weight to your exercises

Once your body gets used to a certain weight, you'll need to use heavier weights as you go along. You'll know it's time to add more weight when the exercise feels easier, and you're able to finish your set of 10 - 12 repetitions fairly easily.

Be careful not to add too much weight. You should be able to do between 8 and 10 repetitions before failure sets in. If you can't do 4 to 6 repetitions without giving up, you've probably put on too much weight. If you can do 10 or 12 without feeling the burn, you probably need to add more weight.

Cardio entraînement musculation

3- Don't spend too much energy on cardio

Cardio exercises such as running, swimming and cycling are excellent ways of keeping up your stamina and blood circulation. However, they're not the best exercises you can do if your aim is to achieve greater muscle mass. Muscle building requires a lot of energy, and if you use it for cardio exercises, chances are you won't have enough for your weight training sessions.

Limit cardio to once or twice a week, so that your energy reserves are devoted to building muscle.

Hiking, walking and other low-energy exercises are good alternatives to running and cycling if you want to save energy.

Muscle entraînement musculaire

4- Train every muscle group

Some people want big arms, but don't care about their abs. Others want to focus on legs, pecs, and so on, but don't mind keeping a weak spot.

However, it's imperative to train every muscle group in your body, rather than focusing on just one. (Don't neglect your legs!). All the muscle groups in your body work together, and it's important to give them equal attention for a balanced body.

Don't work each muscle group on the same day. For example, if you concentrate on your arms one day, at your next training session you should rest your arms and work on your legs or another group.

This gives your muscles time to rest and compensate. It also improves injury prevention and prepares the muscle for the next session.

Repos entraînement musculaire

5- Rest between workouts

If you're in too much of a hurry to build muscle, you may be tempted to work out every day. However, your body needs sufficient rest to rebuild the muscle tissue that has been torn apart during training. If you work every day, you never give your muscles the chance to compensate for micro-tears, and therefore to get stronger.

Schedule work sessions over three or four or even five days a week, and divide the work for each muscle group accordingly.

On your "off" days, it's a good idea to go for a run, cycle or do some other type of exercise to keep you moving and relax your muscles.

Author Alexandre CARPENTIER

Bodybuilding Champion N.A.C 2012

Alexandre shares his experience of bodybuilding with MegaGear blog readers