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Sports nutrition for bodybuilding

Sports nutrition for bodybuilding


Nutritional advice for athletes

You work hard in training, you go beyond your limits, you fail, you suffer, but you know why. You want to build muscle, period. But you don't want your hard work to have been for nothing! The choices you make immediately after training can help you reach the next level, or on the contrary, can cause you to fall. Follow this guide to give yourself the best chance of building quality muscle!


We all know that we need protein not only to feed our muscles, but also to boost our metabolism and burn fat. The type and quantity of protein you choose are just as important! Whey has the advantage of being absorbed quickly, which is perfect for your exhausted muscles just waiting to be fed after an intense workout. It also contains highly important amino acids, which contribute to anabolism and anti-catabolism! 30 to 40 grams will do the trick!


Carbohydrates are just as important as proteins in post-workout nutrition! Don't neglect them at all, they're a precious ally for building muscle!

Ingesting simple (fast) carbohydrates post-workout will trigger a spike in insulin, which will help transport essential nutrients to the muscles that need them most. Muscle cells will receive these nutrients and the growth process is set in motion. What's more, your glycogen levels have been depleted by your workout! So now's the perfect time to restore them! The quantity of carbohydrates to ingest depends of course on whether you're aiming to gain mass or lose weight, but this process is crucial and necessary, not only to recover from training, but also to enable you to be ready for the next workout.

In the dry phase, 20 grams of simple carbohydrates are sufficient. When building mass, you can go up to 80 grams.


Just after training, it's the ideal time to take the famous creatine! It will be transported to the muscles at the same time as proteins and fast carbohydrates, thanks in particular to the insulin spike that promotes transport. Creatine will then not only help the recovery and muscle growth process, but will also be stored and available in your body for the next training session. If you take creatine in small doses throughout the day, 3 grams post workout is sufficient, otherwise take 5 grams.

To recap, here's the post-workout nutrition plan to follow for maximum muscle gain:


30 to 40 grams

Simple sugars:

20 to 30 grams for dry training

60 to 80 grams when building mass


3 to 5 grams

Last but not least, it's best to take all of these within 30 minutes of training!


Posted in: Sports nutrition