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Essential bodybuilding supplements

Essential bodybuilding supplements


Every year, new dietary supplement brands and products are launched, offering new protein or amino acid supplements that are supposed to revolutionize muscle gain. But despite these new miracle supplements, it's clear from browsing through their catalogs that some are unavoidable. Indeed, all the brands produce them, and for a simple and good reason: these supplements have proved their worth for muscle-building enthusiasts.

Today, I'm going to give you a quick reminder of the supplements that every exerciser should have in their arsenal. Let me remind you, however, that supplements alone are not enough. It's also important to have a healthy, balanced diet (thoughtful nutrition), as well as well-constructed workouts.

Basic supplements

Here are a few products, proteins and amino acids to seriously consider when building muscle. Whether you're looking to build muscle, endure your workouts or repair your muscles.


Whey: this milk-based protein is known for its rapid assimilation and high BCAA (branched-chain amino acid) content, which promotes protein synthesis. This protein is low in carbohydrates and fat. Whey is ideal for repairing overnight fasting and recovering immediately after weight training and bodybuilding.

Whey is one of the most widely used post-training proteins. The product is readily available on the market (at all prices) and must be accompanied by good nutrition for best results.


Also derived from milk, this protein is ideal for preparing the body for overnight fasting. It diffuses very slowly, releasing amino acids over long hours and preventing muscle catabolism (destruction of muscle). It also prevents night-time cravings, as it plays a role in satiety.

You can make a shake combining whey and casein after mass training to enhance recovery. A product to be found in the shops at different prices.


BCAA: these amino acids alone make up two-thirds of the amino acids in protein. BCAAs are made up of valine, leucine and isoleucine. Leucine has a strong anabolic (muscle-building) action, but needs to be combined with valine and isoleucine for a lasting effect. These amino acids play a vital role in post-muscle-building recovery and weight gain.

What's more, when taken before training, BCAAs help slow down muscle breakdown by preventing the body from drawing energy from muscle proteins, thus pushing back the fatigue threshold during the session.

BCAAs are a commercially available product.


Creatine: this amino acid is created from the combination of three amino acids (arginine, glycine and methionine). This amino acid is responsible for the production of ATP in the muscle, enabling it to contract. The body naturally synthesizes it from meat in particular, but creatine supplementation increases muscle reserves and improves the muscle's ability to contract harder for longer.

What's more, creatine has the ability to attract water into muscle cells, resulting in fuller muscles. Creatine's intra-cellular hydration also enhances muscle recovery.

There are different forms of creatine, and not all are equally well absorbed.

Despite its benefits, creatine remains a taboo product for the general public in France.


For me, glutamine is one of the essential supplements for bodybuilding, weight gain and weight training. And for athletes in general. This amino acid is the most abundant in muscle. It is involved in many metabolic processes, such as protein synthesis. In fact, glutamine increases the body's capacity to synthesize proteins at muscle level, so it plays an anabolic role.

Glutamine also plays a role in reducing stress, which causes the release of cortisol. Cortisol causes the destruction of muscle fibers, and glutamine reduces the effects of cortisol by protecting muscle proteins.

Glutamine also plays a role in strengthening the immune system, protecting the body from infection. This is because glutamine is present in the cells of the immune system, fueling them to function properly. If glutamine levels fall, these cells function less well.

As you can see, glutamine supplementation means more muscle, better post-muscle recovery for the body and a more efficient immune system.

Optional bodybuilding supplements

Discover new products to consider for muscle weight gain or improved endurance.


Another amino acid of great interest to sportsmen and women's bodies, as it is broken down into Nitric Oxide (NO). Nitric Oxide dilates blood vessels, increasing blood flow and thus congestion, and delivering more nutrients to muscles during exercise. The result is increased muscle growth over the long term.


This supplement is the result of the combination of two amino acids, beta-alanine and histidine. This supplement has the capacity to enable muscles to contract more strongly and over longer periods of time. Muscular endurance is improved and therefore athletes taking carnosine can train harder and longer. Combined with creatine, the effects are enhanced.

In addition to these various supplements, don't hesitate to consume a complete vitamin and mineral complex which will compensate for sweat losses during your sessions and strengthen your body's immune system.

It's up to you to make your own experiment and test what works best (proteins and amino acids) for you and your body. But now you know which supplements should be part of your basic muscle-building arsenal.

Author Alexandre CARPENTIER

Bodybuilding Champion N.A.C 2012

Alexandre shares his experience of bodybuilding with MegaGear blog readers

Posted in: Sports nutrition