Dips are a basic bodybuilding movement. Dips work the pectoral muscle and should be included in any routine. We'll...

Sheathing to strengthen the abdominal muscles
Posted on: 06/12/2022When it comes tocladding, when we speak of the "body", we are often referring to static exercises that target specific muscle groups: stomach, abs, lumbar, back, buttocks, thighs, etc.
VisitcladdingIs to hold your body for a certain length of time in a position of contraction under tension. Sheathing exercises are performed under tension, without movement, and are therefore called "isometric exercises".
The body must remain motionless throughout the active phase of yourtraining.
You can perform a plank with your body, for example, resting on your elbows or tiptoes for a while to stimulate deep muscles.
In fact, thecladdingAbdominal muscles such as the transversus abdominis, iliacus, psoas, shoulder stabilizers and others.
Muscles that are often difficult to strengthen with basic exercise or cardio.
The countless benefits of sheathing
In addition to its muscle-strengthening work, thecladdingIs extremely useful forlose bellyAndrestructure the abdominal wall.
We often think that high-intensity exercise, followed by a good diet, are the only effective means we have at our disposal to hollow out the belly.
While these exercises are extremely useful for burning calories, they are not enough to restructure the shape of the stomach.
First and foremost, you'll need to reinforce the latter withcladdingThe result is a firmer, more powerful posture that transfers force from the lower to the upper body and vice versa.
VisitcladdingIs an excellent way to strengthen the back muscle chain and protect the intervertebral discs, thereby preventing back pain, maintaining the spine, reducing pain and protecting the spine against everyday injuries.
Another element of no little importance is the development of balance. Indeed, thecladdingEnsures overall trunk tone and develops proprioceptive qualities
The gainage technique works the muscles of the body both lengthwise and depthwise, with the aim of toning the body without necessarily increasing its volume (muscle gain).
A highly recommended exercise for women or even men who are not looking to build muscle mass.
Finally, thecladdingImproves sports performance, particularly in sports where force transfer is involved in movement (i.e. virtually all sports).
Regular practice ofcladdingOptimizes the athlete's overall power and helps maintain good posture during movements.
The three rules of sheathing
Generally speaking, and whatever the position, three rules must be respected in thecladding:
1- the number of supports on the ground.
2- overall bust orientation.
3- stability level.
Based on these three rules, we can develop severalbody-building exercisesAnd positions.
The degree of complexity can vary according to the number of supports (upper or lower limbs) or the level of limb stability, which can be modified with a medicine ball.
It's also possible to push the level of difficulty even further by changing the orientation of the torso, or by using loads on the limbs, torso and back.
The basic exercises
Here are three basiccladdingStomach, abs, back and deep muscles. You can then modify the difficulty according to your level of experience, either by lifting a lower limb, or an upper limb, or by lifting both at the same time, working with a medicine ball or adding loads.
VisitcladdingFrontal, also known by a variety of names (superman, plank or ventral), is certainly the best-known position. It directly engages the trunk muscles, and more specifically the rectus abdominis and transversus abdominis.
Position: Resting on your forearms and the balls of your feet, you must remain motionless while aligning your feetlegs, pelvis and trunk.
Hold the position by squeezing your buttocks and pulling in your stomach.
-Be careful not to arch your back too much.
-For beginners, start by performing two series of 20 to 30 seconds ofcladding/30-second rest between the two series.
VisitcladdingTargets the obliques in particular.
PositionSupported by your ankle and forearm, raise your pelvis so that it's in line with your shoulders and your head with your body.
Then change position.
-Always keep your body straight. If you lean too far forward or back, stop and start again.
-For beginners, start by performing two sets of 20 to 30 seconds of gainage/30 seconds of rest between the two sets.
VisitcladdingDorsal, also called hip lift,Is an exercise that tones the back and back of the thighs and prevents back muscle pain.
Position:Lie on your back, legs folded flat on the floor and positioned shoulder-width apart.
-Raise your back 10 to 15 cm off the floor and hold for 20 to 30 seconds, breathing normally. Return to the starting position and repeat.
How many times a week should I do a sit-up?
Practice these three exercises or otherstwo or three times a week, then gradually increase the difficulty of the exercises.
You can add other exercises such as vacuum andcrunch absTo your sessions to better build your abs.
AuthorAlexandre CARPENTIER
Bodybuilding Champion N.A.C 2012
Alexandre shares his bodybuilding experience with MegaGear blog readers