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How anabolic steroids work


Fitness is becoming increasingly popular in France. With the rise of low-cost gyms - such as Basic Fit - and the emergence of the "fitness influencer" phenomenon, bodybuilding has become largely democratized, and the consumption of dietary supplements - once discreet - has become uninhibited. The use of doping products has undergone the same phenomenon, with many young people using them in their quest for the perfect body. There has also been a resurgence in the use of these substances in bodybuilding competitions. This is because the range of categories has widened, enabling more people to take up the sport.

When you want to gain muscle and lose fat, and it's not happening strongly enough or fast enough, the temptation to use doping products can be strong. We're talking about 15% of young people using these products, and even more among adult athletes.

Anabolic steroids are the most popular and effective for rapidly modifying physical appearance and improving athletic performance. The best-known and most popular are dianabol, testosterone propionate, nandrolone, clenbuterol, anavar, winstrol, primobolan and trenbolone. Let's take a closer look at what anabolic steroids are, how they work and affect the body, and the health consequences of excessive use.

What are anabolic steroids ?

Steroids are synthetic drugs that mimic the role of testosterone in the human body, promoting muscle growth. They are mainly used to treat illnesses resulting from testosterone deficiency in men or women.

These are closely controlled drugs, prescribed by doctors to treat specific problems. They can be used as cancer treatments, or to replace muscle mass lost due to disease. Hypogonadism in men and stopping the release of estrogen to slow down breast cancer in women are just some of the uses for these products. More recently, they are increasingly being put forward to combat the decline in bone density, muscle mass and sexual function that occurs in men as they age, with the famous TRT or testosterone replacement therapy.

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Those seeking extreme muscle gain use higher doses than for a disease, as the effect of these drugs is highly dose-dependent. Low doses produce a very modest effect, while high doses result in a gradual and significant increase in muscle mass. The more you take, the more muscle you gain..

How do anabolic steroids work ?

Anabolic steroids work by mimicking the properties of natural hormones. Their chemical composition is similar to testosterone and can activate the body's testosterone receptors. Once the receptors are stimulated, a domino effect of metabolic reactions occurs as the drug instructs the body to increase muscle tissue production.

Anabolic steroids work by introducing testosterone into the body, and testosterone's effects on the body can be anabolic or androgenic. Androgenic effects are associated with masculine characteristics, for example, deep voice, facial hair and sperm production. Anabolic effects include increased bone density, muscle growth and speed of recovery from injury. For enhanced performance, anabolic steroids work by triggering androgen receptors in muscles to produce more muscle tissue. This increases muscle protein synthesis. Anabolic steroids improve protein utilization but are also anti-catabolic and prevent muscle loss. They also help to lose weight, particularly fat, while preserving muscle mass. Winstrol, for example, is often used in lean periods..

Although testosterone is known as the male sex hormone, it is also naturally present in women, but in much smaller quantities.

How do anabolic steroids affect the body ?

People who use anabolic steroids generally experience a very rapid increase in strength and muscle mass. In practice, people can train more often and for longer, with better recovery, resulting in a rapid increase in the amount of muscle. The effects of increased muscle mass and reduced body fat are seen fairly quickly. Nevertheless, water retention is also common and can make muscles feel soft or swollen.

Steroids take several weeks to work, especially injectables which take longer to begin their anabolic effects, and cycles generally last between 8 and 12 weeks. Taking steroids also increases your appetite, which can easily drive your eating habits out of control.

After a course of steroids, the body takes some time to reactivate its natural testosterone production. It is customary to use other drugs to boost testosterone production, during the so-called PCT (end-of-cycle therapy).

It's important to remember that the muscles gained with steroids are not long-lasting and melt away - in part - after the course of treatment, due to the drop in testosterone. Hence the need for repeated cures.

Anabolics are often used in bodybuilding, as they are powerful promoters of protein synthesis. They can also be used in other sports, particularly by athletes for whom speed and strength are important competitive characteristics.

Nowadays, professional athletes tend to avoid common steroids and use more sophisticated, harder-to-detect methods. Anabolic steroids are in fact easily detected, although masking agents can be used - with varying degrees of success. New synthetic forms of anabolic steroids are constantly being created in laboratories, making detection more difficult.

Who uses anabolic steroids ?

Steroid users are predominantly men in their twenties and thirties, but these products are also successful among the young and not-so-young. Not really surprising, given the social pressures men face to look fit and strong. And it's not cheap either, as steroids can be expensive.

A 2014 global analysis showed that around 3.3% of people will use steroids in their lifetime, making it a public health issue. Obviously, we're more likely to find steroid users in gyms, and all gyms are affected, but user profiles can vary. After all, nearly one in two people use steroids for aesthetic rather than sporting reasons.

This steroid use is associated with low self-esteem and other mental health problems such as body dysmorphia, eating disorders, depression and even suicide. And depression is a possible cause of steroid use, as it often precedes the use of these drugs.

How are anabolic steroids taken ?

The most effective method of taking anabolic steroids is by injection, although needles also present health risks. Creams and gels that are absorbed through the skin - such as AndroGel - are also popular.

When taken orally (in pill form - like Dianabol), the risk of liver damage is higher. It is customary to use a liver protector - such as Legalon - to protect the liver during oral anabolic steroid cycles. And to avoid the risk of aromatization (transformation of testosterone into estrogen), it may be necessary to take anti-estrogens. If you use all these protections, you'll have less to worry about in terms of side-effects, provided you stick to your doses.

The most classic protocol is to follow a "steroid cure". In other words, take some, then stop - to let the body recover - then start again, adjusting the dosage.

For best results, athletes may take a combination of oral or injectable steroids. Doses vary, and are often several times the therapeutic dose for sick people.

Side effects of anabolic steroids

Some of these negative effects (1) are well known. Acne is a common short-term side effect, while high blood pressure and an increased risk of stroke and heart disease are observed in the long term. Mental health problems, sleep disturbances and increased aggression are also reported. And there are gender-specific changes, such as gynecomastia (breast development), testicular atrophy and impotence in men, and baldness and hairiness in women.

Most steroid users believe that their use is moderate enough (2) not to cause such problems. Many are wrong. It's a common misconception - just as most of us think our alcohol consumption is more moderate than it really is.


Gaining muscle is not a bad thing in itself. In fact, it's quite a good thing if people become stronger and manage to improve their performance. But the potential negative health effects of these drugs are not trivial. Is it worth the risk? It's up to you to find out.

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AuthorAlexandre CARPENTIER

Bodybuilding Champion N.A.C 2012

Alexandre shares his bodybuilding experience with MegaGear blog readers

Posted in: Steroid profile