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About us

Who we are

MEGAGEAR is above all a team of sports enthusiasts, renowned in the world of bodybuilding and strength sports.

Our passion has given rise to a brand of food supplements designed primarily for athletes. Our experience in this field and our motivation also lead us to offer you advice and assistance whenever you need it.

History of the MegaGear brand and company

The MEGAGEAR team has expanded its skills with a variety of talents, with the aim of enabling our customers and partners to optimize their training. Whether your field is strength, endurance, combat or bodybuilding, we can advise you in your choices to achieve your goals.

The MegaGear trademark is registered with theSLOVAK BOPI(Bulletin Officiel de la Propriété Industrielle ) and with INPI MegaGear, the French intellectual property register

You'll find us on social networks and professional directories such as LINKEDIN

Our authors and speakers

To write our articles, we call on the services of professional coaches and editors, a list of whom can be found here

Author Alexandre CARPENTIER

Bodybuilding Champion N.A.C 2012

Alexandre was in turn 7th in the France 2001 final, then 5th in 2003. Finally, he finished 6th at the Célèbre Top de COLMAR.

In 2012, he placed 9th at the NAC Athletique 2, and was crowned NAC 2012 finalist in Hamburg.


Author Quentin MOLINÉ

Superfood specialist, founder of Darwin Nutrition

Graduated from E.M in Lyon (69) and holds a nutrition certification from the University of Turin.

He has set up a blog to share his knowledge in his chosen field.